Monday, March 30, 2009

I actually missed this...

It's been a whole 3 days or something since I last blogged.

And I actually missed it. So that's it. You're stuck with me now.

Before the craziness of the 30 Rock Tour, I posted this picture:

It's from January of this year, which makes A.J. about 3 months old. It's a classic Jared face.

Apparently, it's also a classic Alaina face! Jadyn was about 2 months old in this picture.

You know it's bad when complete strangers, i.e., checkers at Academy, comment on how your children look exactly like you.

We were at an Upward training conference this weekend, which is what prompted my blogging absence. If I'd really had it together, viz., if I hadn't had any children with me, I would have blogged from the conference. I always love going to an Upward training conference. They give out good free stuff. Plus it's great to be around people who are as excited about a thing as you are. A.J. made a lot of friends too. I think most of the staff of Upward knew his name by the end of the first night. He was a total flirt, and I don't think he cried the entire time. He was just drawing people to him, not unlike a certain uncle of his who shall remain nameless (Ravi).

This was one of those weekends that require a period of recovery, which has led to one of my all-time pet peeves - clean laundry on the floor. I just hate when that happens. Am I the only one? Or do you have a different housecleaning hot button?

1 comment:

Ashlee Liddell said...

Alaina's signature face almost always includes an open smile (check January's inconceivable post for further photographic evidence), whereas Jared seems to go with the closed mouth grin....or cover the smile up with my chubby little hands, both equally precious!

My concern is that AJ is working on the most heart breaking smile of all....