No such luck, sorry.
One of the great things about my birthday is that I get to share it with my birthday buddies. When I was growing up, my birthday buddy was my brother, Raj. He was born 5 years and 1 day after me.
Being an efficient mother, my mom tended to plan our birthday parties on the same day - just shuffle one group of kids out and bring on the next group. I still remember the year that Raj's birthday was on Easter and we both had Easter bunny ice cream cakes from Baskin Robbins for our birthday parties.
This picture has nothing to do with birthdays or parties, it's just amusing to me because it's a completely unremarkable moment in time. How often do we get pictures of those moments? Azina is on the left, and Raj is on the right. They're sitting at the Smurf table, which is a piece of furniture that was an important part of our childhood.
When I grew up, I found another birthday buddy. My friend Ashlee's birthday is today also!
This is what all of my kids think of Ashlee:
They're right on.
So, happy birthday birthday buddies! I love you both!
Thank you... I love sharing my birthday with you! One of the best gifts I got this year was Jared wishing me a "Happy h-Ashee" followed by the cheesiest (most heart melting) smile ever... I won't forget that.
totally one of my favorite photos. not only because of the Smurf table, but also because I'm drinking prune juice. haha
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