Instead of wisely using this time during which the baby is sleeping to clean something or do something similarly productive (or even eating breakfast), I am blogging. Because I can. (And I don't know how long he will sleep - I'm pretty sure this is a trauma-induced nap brought about by a visit to the doctor which included vaccines. But at least he doesn't have an ear infection. He does, however, have allergies. And what can you do about allergies for a 4 month old? That's right, zippo.)
Have I kept you in enough suspense yet?
Can you guess what I got? Here are some clues.
I got something for day #2 that I've never had before. It fits in my purse. (I already put it there!) It's cute. It's little. It has purple on it (my favorite color).
Any ideas?
I should clarify. I've had several of these in my lifetime, but never a cute little one that would fit in my purse.
The first one I had was blue and had a bear head for the handle. I think it had hearts on it. I loved it. There's a decent chance it's still in the closet in my parents' house. I got it when I was in kindergarten. In fact, I still love it! But even it would not fit in a purse.
Have you figured it out yet?
Have I ever told you about the rain boots my mom sent me my freshman year of college? There's not much need for rain boots in Omaha. Snow boots are necessary, of course, but it just doesn't rain in quantities that would call for rain boots. Or if it is raining that much, you'd better be inside because there's probably a tornado or a chance of a tornado accompanying it. So I moved to Houston for college and was soon acquainted with the subtropical climate. I think it was October, and it rained for a week. Literally. I wasn't entirely sure what to do with that, but I quickly learned that I needed a rain coat and rain boots in order to get to my classes. I didn't have an umbrella either, but a rain coat with a hood is much easier to deal with than an umbrella when traveling from class to class. So my mom sent me a red rain coat and bright yellow rain boots! I love these boots. I still have them and occasionally get to wear them. They're the kind of boots that require you to splash in puddles. Seriously. They're fabulous.
So have you guessed yet? (Hint: the above tangent was also a clue.)
Isn't it cute and little?! Thanks girls! I love it!
I loved it too! The one of us who has REAL style sense found it, and I sure thought about keeping it myself... :)
loved the tangents...loved them!
Are you implying that I don't have real style sense? Well I don't even use umbrellas so meh :-P
I'm glad you like #2! How difficult is it to keep the children from opening all of the presents when you're not around?
yay! I am so glad! Many more presents to go... this is fun! HOpe the kiddos are feeling better!
I will admit I suspected Tami when I unwrapped it!
I'm glad you like the tangents...this blogging everyday thing is letting out my true character!
Lisa, I hadn't even thought about that until you asked. As a matter of fact, they haven't even tried to get into the presents. Of course, there was a lot of initial curiosity, but once they were told that they were my presents, they've basically ignored the box. (Alaina said, "Why do you need 30 presents?" I said, "Why not?") Of course, I could always just chalk it up to our fabulous parenting skills that our children are so well-mannered that they don't get into things that don't belong to them...but then there's Jared.
And Tami, they are feeling better, thanks! Amazing what a few prescription drugs will do for ya...
Haha- that's hilarious about Alaina!
I'm excited for #3!!
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