Tuesday, April 14, 2009

how I spent my Easter vacation

When I was in Los Angeles (for Sibling Fest West Coast 2009!) over the weekend, I kept a running commentary of the things I wanted to blog about when I got home. So now I'm home.

Seen at IAH (on the way to L.A.):
-Dude wearing a hiking backpack and a "kill your TV" shirt flying to L.A.

It's like raiaiaiain on your wedding day! Sorry, better now.
And I had just been wishing for some fanfic to read on the plane...

Seen at the ballgame (Red Sox vs. Angels, Saturday afternoon):
-Apparently people in L.A. have a hard time with the concept of ticketed seating. People would sit, and when the people who actually had tickets for those seats would come, the seat switchers would just move over or down or what have you. And inevitably the people with those seats would come, and the seat switchers would migrate again. It was bizarre.

Seen at LAX (on the way back to Houston):
-zappos.com shoe advertisements in the bottom of the loose articles bins at security.

Capitalism at work!

-Baggage handler dude riding the conveyor into the cargo hold.


Not seen in L.A.:

Sorry Jadyn. (That's what she requested when I asked the girls what they wanted me to bring them back from California. Of course, she doesn't remember that she asked for that, but I did try.)

By the way, consider this official notice. If you happen to sit in front of me and my baby in an airplane and decide it'd be a good idea to recline your seat, I'm not going to feel bad when the baby hits your seat. In fact, I might encourage it. I think if we all agreed that no one will recline their seats on an airplane, we'd all be happier. It's not like reclining those seats makes them any more comfortable anyway.

So back home now. And Joe was very sweet and went to the grocery store this morning at an unholy hour so that there would be breakfast for the children. And he brought me donuts.

I vote for an annual Sibling Fest, and I think we need to institute Childhood Movie Night as part of the schedule of events. Next year, Ferngully!


aziner said...

you forgot Pirate Spiderman!

and I forgot to take you to Trader Joes. :(

whoa whoa whoa, you can't just decide the movie for childhood movie night & completely overlook The Overly Courageous Yet Diminutive Toaster. C'mon now.

How about Boston for next year? Ravi & I have been wanting to get out there for a long time & I know how much you like it. Not that every Sibling Fest has to settle around baseball, but then again why not? ;)

Amber said...

I was just trying to block Pirate Spiderman out of my memory. Oy.

It's okay about Trader Joe's...a weekend is not long enough to do everything!

Okay, I was totally cracking up about The Overly Courageous Yet Diminutive Toaster. I feel it is short enough that it could be included in every Childhood Movie Night.

I would definitely be in favor of Boston next year, or any time! But I'm afraid I would force you all to walk to the Freedom Trail with me. At least we wouldn't have to worry about traffic! :)

My word verification: pints. Do with that what you will.

aziner said...

haha just wait til I upload the photo of Pirate Spiderman. :)

we'll have to do Trader Joe's another time. It really is worth a trip.

Okay good, glad we've settled things for TOCYDT.

I'm totally cool with doing the Freedom Trail. Of course until 5 minutes ago I didn't know what it was, but now that I do I'm up for it. :) And yay for not having to worry about traffic! Other sibs care to weigh in on Boston for next year?

I think clearly your word verification is endorsing sibling drinking games in Boston next year.

My wv: wision -- how an Indian might pronounce vision.