Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eat something other than sopapilla cheesecake for breakfast?

The idea was briefly considered and quickly rejected.

After all, it's raining. I'm tired. It will go well with the coffee I made. The children ate all of the bagels. And Jared's antibiotics have already given him diarrhea after only one day.

See? You would have made the same decision.


Lisa said...

Your breakfast was way better than mine!! Generic multigrain cereal...

Ashlee Liddell said...

Funny, I thought briefly about figuring out how to take a piece home for breakfast.....great minds think alike!!! :)

Amber said...

Lisa, I think "better" may be subjective...some would say your breakfast was "better." (They would be wrong.) :)

You should've taken some, Ashlee...makes a good breakfast!