Thursday, April 02, 2009

different...but the same

I just finished my lunch.

What was it?

A couple of spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter and a caffeine free pepsi.


What is blogworthy about that?

It's basically the same lunch I had for the entirety of my senior year in high school.

I seriously kept a jar of peanut butter in the top of my locker, and I would grab a plastic spoon (from the journalism room, I think) and sit at my locker and have peanut butter for lunch. I think I usually had a Dr. Pepper, too. Often my friend Michelle would join me for at least part of the time with her own jar of peanut butter. Why, you ask, did we eat peanut butter for lunch? I have no idea. It seemed like a perfect logical and reasonable thing to do at the time.

And you know what? It seems like a perfect logical and reasonable thing to do now. (I'm a semi-vegetarian. I'll take the protein wherever I can get it!)

It's fascinating to me how much my life has changed since high school but how much of me is still the same. It's even better rediscovering some of those things that I loved to do (or eat!) that are just as great now as they were then. Fanfic, for example. Joe laughs at me, but it doesn't really matter. Not just any fanfic, of course. Lois & Clark fanfic. I suspect that part of the reason that Joe laughs at me is because he was never really into the show. It's cool because it was/is a show that you either were totally into or you weren't at all. Yes, the show ended in 1997, and yes, there are still people (a lot of them!) writing stories based on the show/characters. And yes, there are still new ideas. Besides that, it's a great fandom - the people are nice.

By the way, I miss my friend Michelle. The last time I talked to her was at least 2, maybe 3 children ago. So if anyone knows her, tell her I miss her!


aziner said...

she's on facebook.

also, if you keep posting this frequently you're really going to force the rest of us to step up our game. ;) I enjoy it though.

the childrenisms from the last post are priceless. I nearly had supper-ables for dinner last night, but alas Target did not have the kind I wanted.

Amber said...

I found her! I had looked in the past, but it has been awhile.

Hey, if you feel compelled to post more, I'll take the blame. :)

I swear, it would be highly amusing to just listen to the things that are said around this house on a daily basis...