Friday, December 16, 2005

odds and ends

Jadyn is a year old today - happy birthday baby girl! (And for a birthday present, I took her to the doctor, and she got shots. Nice of me, eh?)

Odd as it may sound, the Kevin Max Christmas CD "Holy Night" is surprisingly not cracked out. I love Kevin Max's stuff, but you have to admit that it's a little out there. But his Christmas CD is really good - basically all straightforward renditions of the songs, but they're done well.

My friend Josh has a blog now! Go check it out, after you finish reading and commenting on my blog, of course.

I thought there was more randomness floating around in my head, but I can't remember it right now.


Ashlee Liddell said...


I leave town and you post twice on your blog?!?!?!?

I can not believe our baby is one....Now I can feed her anything without getting in trouble!!!!!! She will be saying my name in no time!

Amber said...

Well, you left town so I am bored. :) (As if I have nothing to do.)

You may feed her anything she won't choke on, but no honey. And I have no doubt she will be saying your name soon, since she clearly would rather do things for you than for me!

Oh, and the other thing I was going to put in this post and forgot was a warning to everyone to beware of whom they name their children after. Why? Because dear sweet Jadyn Ashlea (named after Azina and Ashlee) not only inherited attitude but also shortness.

aziner said...

As a public service announcement I will just point out to any of your adoring blog readers who may not be intimately aware of all the inner workings of our family that my middle name is Ashley, just to clear things up for those of you who may be wondering how Jadyn Ashlea could be derived from Azina and Ashlee. And I must add that I am quite proud of the little one for her attitude and shortness. :)

Ashlee Liddell said...

By way of Public Service Announcement number 2, I would like to insert that the "attitude" her mother is referring to is merely her spiritual giftedness from God. An insatiable awareness of others, an unwavering sense of perserverance, boldness to share the gospel (or her convictions).... I could go on and on.... as for the short factor....I got nothing there. Her parents are giants, and she is so tiny....
Any further questions can be routed to either myself or Azina....thank you for reading this PSA...