Monday, May 18, 2009


We had church in our brand new building yesterday. I've never been part of a church that has built a new building. The church I grew up in bought their building, but I don't remember the first Sunday in that building. I'm sure it was great, but those kinds of things just don't impact children like they do adults.

The funny part is that our building isn't done. Apparently it's about 70% done. But there's something kinda cool about having church there, while it's still being finished. I guess it feels more like being part of the process.

Yesterday morning, I was sitting on the edge of Jadyn's bed to do Alaina's hair.

Me: Alaina, could you sit on the floor please?

Alaina: Yeah, I'm too big.

Me: You are tall.

Alaina: I get that a lot.

And now for the completely nerdy part of yesterday. Don't judge me because I'm very excited about this. My very first fanfic was uploaded to the Lois & Clark Fanfic Archive yesterday! I've only written two, and this is actually the second one I wrote, it just got uploaded before the first one. I just had to share because it's a big deal to me! Okay, I'm done now. :)


raj said...

You are a nerd.

A good writer too, but a nerd nonetheless.

Amber said...

Did you actually go read it?

I know I'm a nerd. I think it's just escaping the box a little more often lately!

aziner said...

I will be quite impressed if you've gotten Raj to read LnC fanfic. I didn't read it yet, but it's late & I want to actually pay attention when I do read it.

I was keeping my nerd in a box, but since Star Trek has recaptured my imagination I've decided to just let my nerdiness roam free. If anything, now's the time, The Big Bang Theory is making it safe & possibly even cool? to be a nerd. Might as well enjoy it! And even when it inevitably ends I don't plan on reboxing. :)