Friday, May 01, 2009

Happy May Day!

I couldn't find a picture of a basket with popcorn and jelly beans, but that's what you'd be getting if you were anywhere in my vicinity on May Day.

But Happy May Day anyway!

Yes, I know it's probably some made-over pagan festival. Yes, I know that basically no one outside of the midwest has any idea what May Day is or has even heard of it.

But I have these great memories of one of my best friends and her sibs (who lived two houses from us if you went through the backyards but three if you went through the front yards) leaving styrofoam cups filled with jelly beans and popcorn on our doorstep, ringing the doorbell, and running away. Then we'd reciprocate. We always found each other, but we never made anybody kiss anybody else because "ew."

So Happy May Day to you, and if you should come to my house, I'm still not gonna kiss you. Jared probably would, though.


Ashlee Liddell said...

I will be ready for my styrofoam cup when I arrive tonight...and my kiss from Jared....gosh that boy is precious!

aziner said...

best. (non-Jesus) holiday. ever.

we seriously have to get everyone celebrating it. next year we'll do a full-fledged May Day campaign. and it'll be on a Saturday, so it will be very easy to coordinate something! truly I am saddened at my failure this year, but it only encourages me not to be a failure next year :)