Tuesday, October 07, 2008

who knew?

It's actually possible there is one decent writer on the staff of SNL. This aired Saturday night, and oddly enough, was pulled from the official NBC SNL site...possibly because there's actual truth in it. But it's funny, so here you go (for as long as it manages to stay on youtube).


Lisa said...

Oh no, it's already off- what was it?

Lisa said...

I did see the one of the debate at the beginning- it was hilarious! :) But then I fell asleeeep....

Amber said...

I swear, the bias in the media makes me absolutely nuts. NBC claims they pull stuff off youtube because it's a copyright violation, but it's conveniently only the stuff that causes controversy or makes them look bad that gets pulled. Seriously, how many SNL videos could you go find on youtube right now? Quite a few, I have no doubt.

Anyway, sorry, I had to rant. But the video was about the bailout and it was mostly Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank talking, trying to blame the whole mess on President Bush. But then they say something about how it was actually the Democrats who caused the problem (in an aside). And then they bring out these "victims" of the mortgage mess, including two guys who have no credit and no jobs and drug and alcohol problems and all this stuff and how they've been evicted now. Then they bring out this yuppie couple who bought some 200 townhouses so they could flip them, and they're victims because they're only going to make 10% on their investments instead of doubling them.

But then they bring out the Sandlers, who are a real couple, who started a company to intentionally make all these bad mortgages, and then sold the company to Wachovia, and that deal is why Wachovia had to be bought out.

Anyway, it was an intelligent and funny skit, not to mention true, which is why you can no longer find it. Grrrrr...

Lisa said...

OOoh I remember that one! I took it in subliminally while dozing off to sleep. That one was interesting.

raj said...

Not to quell your rant, but I think this is the video on the NBC website: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/c-span-bailout/727521/?dst=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video&__source=nbc|widget|NBC%20Video

Okay, ranting may resume now.