Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a source of frustration eliminated

For a few years now, I have harbored a death wish towards my dishwasher. But it was just one of those things I accepted. It was getting old, it was installed when the house was built, and I didn't pick it out. (Implication: The person who did pick it out had inferior opinions.) However, when it started to not clean the dishes, that's when I wanted to throw it out the window.

If there is one thing I learned from my dad, it is the art of being patient. Though Joe may be snorting as he reads this, I really can be patient. I might be loud and opinionated while exercising said patience, but I can do it. So here's to the practice of patience:

Oh, yeah. I may have sold my soul to Samsung and/or Lowe's. What are you gonna do?


aziner said...

it's very pretty. I can understand your frustration, though I'm happy enough to have a dishwasher in my apartment, so really it could be worse. I'm glad a good thing has come to you after having waited for it.

Lisa said...

It's luvvley! Let's see: fridge, dishwasher...any other appliances on the hit list?

Amber said...

The microwave will be next. It's been on the hit list for quite some time, but it has managed to outlive everything else so far...

The dryer has moved onto the endangered species list, though not quite all the way to the hit list. It works, but it doesn't match the washer. (Admit it, that would bother all of you at least a little bit!)

And after that, the range would be the only thing left! (Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind.) :)