Wednesday, January 07, 2009

a blogging resolution

So, not really. I don't do resolutions. But I am trying something new...blogging from my phone. It's an attempt to blog more frequently, as I know all 2 of my readers are eager for more wit and wisdom from me.

Anyway, blogging from my phone might actually work as it is very conducive to multi-tasking, and while I don't often have an empty lap for my computer, I can usually manage unoccupied thumbs. (I may finally be able to keep up with Ravi at texting.)

I am truly amazed somedays at the difference between being pregnant and not for me. But it's the little things like actually getting something done during the day and feeling like I'm accomplishing something rather than merely surviving that support our decision to be done at four. I'm also fairly confident that each child would not get as much attention as I want them to if we had more.

So we're looking at bigger houses. I know, Ashlee, I said I wasn't moving unless it was out of this state. Well, I changed my mind. I don't really understand how or when it happened, but we've run out of room. I don't really feel like we have an excessive amount of stuff, but apparently the house disagrees. And wouldn't you know it, I'm actually getting excited about the prospect. The idea of having a space for all of my craft stuff and room for our books and a classroom for school nearly makes me giddy. And why else do we have four kids if not to help clean the house?

I've just discovered the most amazing thing about homschooling: seeing Alaina learn something and incorporate concepts she's learned into learning new things. She's learned how to read, for crying out loud. She can write in cursive, and she's developed good problem solving skills (when she chooses to employ them!). It really is amazing to observe firsthand. I know homeschooling isn't for everyone, but I am so glad that we can.

So, any brilliant thoughts on how to do a Nutcracker birthday party?


aziner said...

I would say watch the Nutcracker Christmas episode of the Office & then don't do what they do. Actually in the ep at the party they have cute rice krispie treat wands--star shaped rice krispie treats on a stick with ribbon tied around them. I don't really remember the Nutcracker well enough to know how the wands are related and sticks probably aren't the best plan around small children, but they are cute & I know how you enjoy the crazy rice krispie shapes. Perhaps popsicle sticks could work?

Ashlee Liddell said...

Hark! I must start re-checking your blog weekly instead of monthly!!!! :)

Glad you found a new way to blog....I know I will enjoy it!

I can tell you when you ran out of room...I remember the day ever so clearly....when Jadyn started walking and you were pregnant with Jared. It was then I knew you would never make it in that house.......for fear of you uprooting your native Texan children I kept my mouth shut (a real miracle!).

You are going to loose your mind if you wait too long. You really, really will. My vote is to move in a big party house with a pool!!!! :)