Thursday, April 03, 2008


Yes, that is the number of this post. Pathetic, compared to Ashlee's 403. I guess it means that Ashlee is 4 times cooler at blogging than I am.

Does anyone know how to make smoothies? I'm terrible at it, and I really want one. There is a Smoothie King right by my house, but $6 for a smoothie is a little more than I'm willing to pay (unless I'm desperate).

One of the great things about my mom being here was that she just took care of things for me. Like making breakfast for me. I know, it sounds pathetic, but I have been making my own breakfast basically since I was old enough to pour milk. So today when I really wanted eggs but didn't have the stomach to make them myself, there was no one here to make them for me. (Yes, I'm just whining, but it's my blog, so deal with it.)

There's something wrong with my dumb cats. They have never, ever fought with each other. But for some unknown reason, this morning they've decided they don't like each other. It's been the whole thing - growling, hissing, weird cat moaning. I'm thoroughly annoyed. The thing they don't know is that if they start injuring each other, they're both done for. I really do love my cats, but not when they're acting so bizarrely and unpredictably.


Lisa said...

Best 83rd post ever! I wish I could bring you a smoothie. I don't claim to "know how" to make them, but I make them none-the-less. Milk, fruit, and ice should take care of it...optional is yogurt, sugar, ice cream....chocolate...anything goes.

Sorry about the dumb cats!! That made me laugh!

Ashlee Liddell said...

"Ashlee is 4 times cooler at blogging than I am."

I heart this quote.

I double heart this quote.

It might make a guest appearance on my blog.... :)

I don't think it is whining as much as appreciating having a short period of time where someone else was taking care of you, instead of yet another person you are taking care of....

Frozen fruit helps the consistency of smoothies too......

Amber said...

Thanks for the smoothie tips. :)

I'm a little worried that something might be wrong with one of the cats, to prompt such odd behavior.

I'm glad you appreciated that quote, Ashlee. :) Honestly, I think that's one of the hardest things about living away from my family...not having those people around who take care of each other. Not to say that we don't do a pretty good job of that in our group, but I hardly expect any of you to come over and make me breakfast. :)

Laura said...

Maybe they are just having a bad day. Are they the same sex? Fixed?
One of my cats hisses at the other one.. and then he licks her face.. she still hisses tho.. she has a bad temper.

Amber said...

They are the same sex, and they are fixed. It's just so weird because they have never been like this. We've had them both for almost 5 years now, and they don't usually interact much, but they do share everything - litter, food, water (which we thought was a little unusual, but good). The thing that's hard is that we can't decide who is aggressing whom.

Ashlee Liddell said...

i say get rid of both of them just for the mere reason that they are agressing....doesn't matter who started it....get rid of them!

I do not heart animals.

Lisa said...

No, Ashlee, the cats are awesome. Just think of them like kids who need to be taught and taken care think of what you'd do if two kids began fighting. Not throw 'em out!!

Good luck figuring out the problem with the cats Amber! I'm glad you heart animals.