Monday, May 22, 2006


The reason why there are reruns during the summer is because people are so hacked off by season finales that they swear off tv for a few months.

Okay, so maybe not really. But between the Gilmore Girls finale and the 24 finale that I just watched (how are they going to find Jack in China?!?!), not to mention the not-so-stellar Related finale, there's a good chance I won't be in the mood to watch anything but baseball for the entire summer. (Which is really unfortunate because it's too stinkin' hot down here to do anything but stay inside in the summer anyway.)

But, I have to be happy with the way Logan was taken down, especially because he never saw it coming. Of course the real jerks behind it all are getting away, which figures - they look way too much like the Triumvirate from The Pretender. Who's up for a little tv on DVD this summer?

1 comment:

Ashlee Liddell said...

ME, ME, ME!!!!!

This season should have been 36 instead of 24.....they just didn't wrap everything up.....