Tuesday, February 14, 2006

apparently I don't run fast enough :)

I'd better get this done so I still have someone left to tag...

4 Jobs I've had...

(I'm not entirely sure I've had 4 legal, tax-paying jobs, but we'll see...)
personal assistant
Univ. of Houston Orientation Team Leader
Children's Ministry Director
small business owner! (we're almost up and running!)

4ish movies I would watch on repeat...
You've Got Mail
The Muppet Christmas Carol ("You throw the fish away, and it comes back to you!")
That Thing You Do!
The Jungle Book (live action version - if you've never seen it, go see it now!)
The Matrix (and then I'll write a book with the real ending to the movie...)

4 TV shows I love...
(This is easy - but I have to divide it into currently airing and sadly cancelled, and I know there are more.)
Gilmore Girls
Love Monkey
(and the cancelled shows:)
Lois & Clark
Star Trek: The Next Generation (come on, you knew I was a nerd)
The Pretender
Square 1 TV (nerd, we've already been over this)

4 Vacation Spots I'd love to frequent...
the beach (a good one, far from Galveston)

4 websites I visit daily...
(as daily as I manage with anything...)
Relevant Magazine
cool blogs
a l a designs (we have big news - stay tuned!)
Kraft Foods (well, I'm working on honesty here...)

Four foods I lust for...
dark chocolate
Cinnamon Dolce Lattes
spicy food (Chinese especially, House of Hunan particularly)

Four things I "love" most about Texas (just for Ashlee!)
humidity (good friends)
heat (good food, especially Mexican)
horrible traffic (the Astros!)
driving forever to get anywhere (access to lots of stuff - great concerts and good shopping)

Four people I am "tagging"
Lisa (though I'm not sure she even knows I have a blog...)
Joser (who doesn't have a blog but can respond in the comments)


joser said...

4 jobs I've had...we obviously have a dichotomy here
KMart go-fer
Albertsons go-fer and cashier (woohoo grocery store boy)
Lab Assistant
Bechtel intern
Electrical Engineer
Licensed Professional Nerd, I mean, Engineer

4 movies I would watch on repeat...
Little Women (you know you like it)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Air Force One
The Rock (I had to make up for the first one)

4 TV shows I love...
and Star Trek (anything but Enterprise, don't get me started, Paramount failed me bad on that one)

4 vacation spots I'd love to frequent...
Anywhere that can be reached on Royal Caribbean

4 websites I visit daily...
www.google.com (not exciting, but true)

Four foods I lust for...
Blue Bell Cookies and Cream
Blue Bell Chocolate Covered Cherries (they'll keep making that if they know what's good for them)
strawberries and cool whip (rrr...)

Four things I love about Texas...
state specific advertising (especially trucks)
the fact that you can go 800 miles in a straight line in more than one direction and still be in the state
yeah that's about it, I guess,
and family

Four people I am tagging...
I have nooo.... friends (outside of the ones that have already seen this)

raj said...

nice work on the jewelry website.

Lisa said...

Lisa me? I got tagged! Yup, I know you have a blog. You hadn't commented on Ashlee's for a while, so I looked you up in her old comments a little while ago and bookmarked you!

Ok I'm off to do the survey...

Amber said...

Yes, Lisa you! And I got bookmarked? That is great! (My world is very small...)