Friday, February 17, 2006

You're invited!

This is a special invitation to everyone who visits this blog...

Our jewelry website is up, and our business is open!

We are inviting all of our family and friends (and if you read this blog, that means you) to visit our site, a l a designs, and let us know what you think. We're also taking orders during our special Friends and Family sale - tax free, free shipping, and buy one pair of earrings get the second half off.

We're not accepting payment through the website yet, but send us an email with your order, and we'll get your jewelry to you post haste. You'll find all of the details on the site.

Thank you for your help and support in getting our business up and running!


raj said...

first my e-mail, now your blog . . . what electronic mediums won't be pimped out for the selling of jewelry?

and because your husband started it, my word verification was "cluwkniq" which we all know is a redneck chicken picnic. as in, "hey y'all, we're havin' a cluwkniq on Saturday. Bring some slaw and fixins."

Amber said...

As many electronic (or otherwise) media as it takes to start selling some jewelry, thank you very much.

That is a fabulous word verfication definition.