Friday, April 13, 2012

What did you get out of college?  Seriously, think about it.  What did you actually get out of college other than a mountain of debt, unless you were really good at playing the game and finagled some scholarships? 

I played the game. 

I'm not going to make my children play the game. 

Obviously, some people need college.  Those are the people who actually learn something applicable to a career (engineers, doctors, the like). 

What could you have done if you hadn't wasted so much time and money in college?  What could you have started? 

I realize that questioning the value of a college education is extremely counter-cultural.  I'm just asking you to really think about it - what did you get out of your college education?

On the flipside, what can you not learn about these days...completely free?  Or at worst, for the cost of a book or two?

I came across this article:

I'm sure some of you have heard me making the same points.  What do you think?

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