Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1

After day 1 of training, I am considering reevaluating my goal of running a half marathon at the end of September.

Just kidding. I'm going to do it.

You know sometimes things seem like such a good idea in your head, and then in the midst of executing them you wonder just what it was you were thinking?

That's pretty much what happened to me tonight. :)

I'll try not to be boring with daily posts of my training progress. (As if I could manage to work out daily! Ha!) But for my first day, I ran 2/3 of a mile in 10 minutes. Nothing spectacular, to be sure, but it's a start. :)


Lisa said...

Awesome!! I'm excited to hear about the training!

aziner said...

I'd pretty much rather punch myself in the eye than train for a running event (save for maybe Warrior Dash!), but good for you! I'm proud of you for going for it.

And for the record, I'm pretty sure almost all of our endeavors involve a "what was I thinking?" moment. ;)

Lisa said...

How's it going?? Been running through the icy streets at all?