Wednesday, April 22, 2009

walks like a duck

I'm beginning to suspect an Earth Day conspiracy.

I haven't quite worked out the specifics, but something is going on.

Last night, sometime after midnight, the power blinked. Not unusual by itself, but the first in a series of troubles.

All morning, the cable has been erratic, as has the internet.

Then my brother called me, on my cell phone, and the connection was terrible - kept breaking up - which is unusual.

I think the environmentalist wackos found me.

They're welcome to come find me. They'll be getting my carbon footprint on the rear.

Disclaimer: I'm all about environmental stewardship. But there is nothing on this planet more important than people. Oh, and once/if the environmentalist wacko "scientists" start applying the scientific method in their experiments, magically most of our "problems" will disappear. Have you heard the ice is actually getting thicker in Antarctica? Global warming my big fat toe.


aziner said...

I think I figured it out! Al Gore DID invent the internet, but only as a worldwide method to plant, perpetuate, and stir up panic about his crackpot global warming theories.

Ashlee Liddell said...

Love it.... "getting my carbon footprint on their rear"

Heh heh....

Your cable/internet troubles are not at all related to earth day, but to the unfortunate fact that you are still a comcast subscriber....

I can't explain the other two, but if the wackos come my way, I am sending them to you!!!