Wednesday, March 25, 2009

happy birthday to me!

The day you've all been waiting for!

Day #

It is a big box! The girls had very disparate guesses. Alaina guessed a brick. Jadyn guessed a "big dress for you." I had no idea.

So I opened it. It's my birthday, I'll do what I want!

I love it! I've wanted one for a long time - it's a stick blender/motorboat/immersion blender/whatever you want to call it. It is absolutely the best way to make refried beans. I'm very excited! And it's the very first Cuisinart I've ever had. This is a big day.

There's a good chance we'll be having refried beans for part of dinner for our next Friday night dinner.

Tami, Lisa, and Ashlee - thanks!! You are all such great friends, and you've made this a great birthday before it ever started!

Butterfly cake update: The cake has been made, but it has not been decorated yet. Stay tuned.


Ashlee Liddell said...

For the record, I think a blog thank you is far more impressive than a hand written thank you...


Lisa said...

Oh my goodness I'm friends with a 30 year old. I'm quite the grown-up.

Haaaaaaaappy Birthday!!!

raj said...

Happy birthday!

aziner said...

yay! those things are fabulous, just mind the splattering!

happy birthday!!