Monday, February 23, 2009

dirty little secrets

There are a few things no one ever tells you about having a baby (and no, none of these are things I'm figuring out for the first time).

1. Your hair may start falling out after the baby is born. By the handfuls. It's gross. It gets everywhere. (It will come back, but you will start to wonder just how much hair can fall out.)

2. In the beginning, breastfeeding hurts. Like nothing you can imagine.

3. You will feel schizophrenic or bipolar or something. Somehow you have to achieve a balance of patience and calm during the times you have to feed or rock or otherwise entertain the baby and then find the motivation and opportunity to work as fast as you can during the brief periods of time the baby is sleeping or content to get as much done as possible.

4. You will probably only find any time to yourself if you forgo sleep.

I know it sounds like it, but I'm really not complaining. I'm actually pretty good at dealing with reality. But sometimes you step back and look at it and wonder at the reality.


Ashlee Liddell said...

If you were complaining, your list wasn't long enough!!!!! :)

HeidiZizz said...

That's not's passing reality on to those who aren't yet mothers! :) And, I totally agree with the list!

Amber said...

How is it that no one tells you these things before the baby is born? Instead, they say things like "sleep as much as you can now," which, while amusing, is not terrifically helpful?

Maybe it's like forget it after it's over!