Jared's birthday "cake." (Out of the 7 birthday parties I've done so far, we've only had a cake twice. And one of those times, the cake looked like Pablo's face, so it was a pretty involved cake.) Isn't it cute?! I'm really happy with the way it turned out. Sometimes I never know if what I cook up in my head is able to be executed in a manner acceptable to my standards. And it's Monday morning, and only the letters and part of the caboose (and most of the wheels) have been eaten.
The birthday monster really likes rice krispies! (And puppy chow, and anything else he could get someone to feed him!)
Then Jared opened presents with his daddy, and then he had to leave his own party early to take a nap. Rough.
In a completely unrelated note, we netflixed the movie Stranger than Fiction, with Will Ferrell (and a bijillion other people). It was really really good. If you haven't seen it, you need to. I'm still thinking about it.
Yaay! Happy Birthday Jared! The cake is very cute.
Also- I loved Stranger Than Fiction! I'm getting it for Christmas.
more & more it seems he takes after his Uncle Ravi.
Glad you liked Stranger Than Fiction. I thought it was great too.
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