Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So we Netflixed Spanglish, and I watched it on Sunday. Has anyone else seen it?

Let me start by saying that I really liked the movie. Adam Sandler, and by extension his character, is extremely likable - genuine and human. I have never really liked Tea Leoni, but she plays the role well (I'm beginning to think she's generally typecast). The crazy part is, despite my dislike of Tea Leoni, I still understood her character and even felt sorry for her. Anyway, the movie is really good - I've been thinking over it for a couple of days now. The main theme of the movie is the question, "how do we define ourselves?" Do we let external influences - culture, appearances, wealth, etc. - determine who we are and how we behave? Or do we let internal desires make our choices?

I have hung on to so many things (or people) that provided a definition for me over the course of my life. But at the same time, I react very negatively when someone tries to label me or tell me what I am. I don't think it's an easy thing just to be who you are. I think we'd save ourselves a lot of trouble if we could just figure out how to be who God made us to be and be happy with that.


Lisa said...

I liked this movie. I'd like to watch it again, because I remember that I wasn't able to sort through some of the themes at the end the first time that I watched it.

Ashlee Liddell said...

I would highly recommend this movie....all my thoughts that warrant typing out have already been shared with you, so I just wanted to make sure I was keeping up with lisa on the commenting thing..... :)