Wednesday, April 05, 2006

somedays it's harder than others...

to be an Astros fan. I know, I know, it's only the third day of the season today, but I'm a serious fan. I love the seasonal longevity of baseball.

Anyway, so Ashlee was the beneficiary of some very good, very free (for us!) tickets for the game last night. Things started off on a good note - we got the replica national league champions rings they gave out to the fans... and that's where the goodness ended. It was nothing tragic, just a series of signs that pointed to a bad ending of that game (11-2, Marlins, and the Astros didn't score those 2 runs until the bottom of the ninth, which we didn't even see because we left in the middle of the ninth).

The real point of this post is to recount yet another terrible display of a public proposal. Yes, some poor fellow proposed to his (I assume it's still the case this morning) fiancee via the KISS CAM. That's right, probably the most inane ballpark entertainment ever devised (except when they pick on the opposing team's dugout) was utilized for a public proposal. Now, to be fair, they were both wearing Astros jerseys and are probably big fans (and if they aren't, he's really a moron), and I'm sure he went to a lot of trouble to organize it all. But let me tell you, that was not the face of a happy woman. We're not entirely sure that she actually said yes - it looked more like she just stuck her hand out for him to put the ring on. She didn't initiate a hug or anything afterwards, either, he did. As much as it sounds like it, I'm not trying to judge the guy or what he did, it was just very uncomfortable to watch. So there's one more piece of evidence to pile up on the "no public proposals" mountain.


aziner said...

Thank you for sharing with us this piece of evidence. I'm sure the guy was well-intentioned and does actually love the girl, though he apparently did not run his proposal idea past her best friends. This would have been an easy mistake to avoid. Oh well you live & learn. Either he'll know better for next time, or things will work out & they'll have a good laugh over it in 20 years.

Sorry your team lost. :\

raj said...

I don't know that this is so much a caveat against public proposals as a don't date Astros fans. Let's face it, they'll probably screw it up before they make it to the end. ;)

Ashlee Liddell said...

I would rather be an Astros fan than a fan of a team where the players sell out to their rivals for a couple more bucks...

raj said...

haha. I think professional sports in general are pretty ridiculous. but that's just me.