Saturday, September 03, 2005

what is there to say?

Lots of randomness today. . . I'm trying to process a lot of things, and they just aren't adding up. It's interesting how our perspectives are shaped. We hold on to the things that we believe are truth, sometimes as if our very existence depends on them. But how do we know that they are truth? Specifically, our perspectives on recent events along the Gulf Coast are utterly dependent on the news reports we get. By their very nature, those reports aren't the whole truth, yet we assume we get at least a piece of the whole picture, which might be true. Or, the "reporter" may be, intentionally or not, skewing their entire report on their understanding of the whole based on the tiny piece they've observed.

More specifically, though, how do we as individuals decide what is best for the people who are seeking our help? (Sidebar: I'm glad to see the first thing I ever posted on this blog was completely laid to waste.) We want to throw our efforts and resources into helping people, which we are called to do. But where do we start? How do we decide what we as a church should be doing, which necessarily requires that we decide not to do any number of other things that may be more helpful (or maybe not). I don't know the answer, and maybe there is no answer at this point. Maybe the answer is that we do something. Maybe the answer is that we do the best we can while seeking after God's will.

I'm coming to the conclusion that perhaps I'm just an agitator. I have to ask questions that are potentially uncomfortable and maybe ultimately pointless. I think one of the hardest tasks in this life is figuring out daily living in accordance with becoming more Christ-like. How do I be the best that God created me to be while growing closer in relationship with God? Where's the line where God ends and I begin? I don't want to cross that line, but it's hard when I don't know where it is.

On to something more interesting to most people - go to and make a difference in what's on tv, literally. The home group that I'm involved in is working on plans to produce a pod. I'll keep you updated. And to avoid the gentle reminders of certain family members, I will attempt to post more frequently - I just may need help digging out from under the soccer balls.


Ashlee Liddell said...

Dear Agitator...
Please stop throwing rocks into my nice, warm, comfortable, irrelevant world of Christianity.
Fundamental Christians

Okay, this blogging thing may be more fun than I imagined! Okay, really I wanted to share my thoughts on your remarks about being an agitator. If it is your lot in life than rejoice because you are causing others to reflect on the motive and reasoning behind their actions. Often times this is what gets Christians in to trouble, we simply do what we think other people want, or what the church tells us to do without stopping to consider if it is actually what God wants us to do or what is best to further His Kingdom.
So, thank you for being an agitator or more specifically being my agitator.
Much love....

Amber said...

Funny, I never imagined myself a rock thrower. I was always the good child! :) I think I am okay with being an agitator - it just makes you think sometimes that you may be really off, because you tend to disagree with everyone around you. It's kind of a vulnerable place (so I hide in my computer and blog about it)! I just want to make sure someone will let me know if I'm agitating for good reason or just agitating to be agitating. (I have never used that word in so many forms in my life.)

Ashlee Liddell said...

Well, as long as you are stuck here with me in Houston I will gladly let you know when I think your are agitating just for fun!

MRJ said...

God never leaves us ill-prepared for the situations we face. Just to address helping those on the gulf coast, what do we have to give? How do we help? In any and every way possible. God's will is simple: to love Him and love others, all we have to do is allow Him to daily live through us.

So whether we send clothes, toothpaste, donate money to the red cross, or just pray because we have nothing else to give. Always with an open handed attitude with God's blessings and always with joy.

Amber said...

Is it really possible to help everyone or every cause? Is it really possible to give something to everyone who asks? For that matter, is it really possible to pray for everyone/every cause that needs prayer? I ask because I'm honestly wondering - do we give without questioning and leave it up to God, or do we have some responsibility to decide how we use the (seemingly) limited resources we have?

MRJ said...

To perhaps state the obvious, God's resources are without limit. Personally, I believe that we should give to anyone who asks, provided we are meeting our own responsibilities (mortgages, debts etc. where the money is not really ours to give away anyhow). People sometimes say that I shouldn't give money to beggars or panhandlers, but why not? Here is a need, perceived or real. We're told to give to the poor, what they do with what I give them is none of my business, that's between them and God. But in that moment, I am speaking to a need.

It's certaintly not possible to pray for every cause, every need. Nor is it possible to give materially. This is where I believe we have to be sensitive to God's leading - what needs has He brought to our attention? If we know about a need or a cause, why shouldn't we pray for it? If we know about a need, who are we not to meet it? God will meet their need with or without us, but it is a privilege to be involved.