Friday, November 30, 2007

happy Jared!

This look says, "I know mommy wants me to cooperate, but I think I'm gonna continue to do whatever I want!"

Today is Jared's first birthday. For his birthday, I took him to the doctor. Aren't I nice? But before that I made homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. I have this tradition of making cinnamon rolls for birthdays. Until this point, they have definitely been popped out of a can. (Who can resist popping open those cans?) But this time, I made them. I think I have bitten by the organic/no preservatives bug...but that's another blog.

His birthday party is Sunday - there will be better pictures then.

In some ways, a year goes by so other ways, it's been a really long year!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

we're going to the beach, the beach, the beach

I can always tell when it's time for me to take a vacation because I very suddenly have no more ability to be productive. I also get impatient. The trouble is, actually taking a vacation is no longer very relaxing for me. So I've found myself embarking on mental vacations. I picked up a sudoku puzzle the other day and figuring out a system of solving those puzzles was interesting diversion for a couple of days. Then I busted out a book of logic puzzles. Doesn't sound much like a mental vacation? Well, it's a departure from the things I have to think about (or at least should be thinking about/doing).

You are witnesses; I am starting the trend. Here is the first "year in review" for 2007: 2007 was pretty much as stinky as 2006, in a whole new way. There were perhaps a few more good things in 2007 than there were in 2006, but there has certainly been just as much drama.

Monday, November 05, 2007

my mom is cool

In case anyone ever wondered where my penchant for kooky ideas comes from, this should explain everything:

Yes, those are my parents. Yes, that is a giant rice krispie treat wedding "cake." Isn't it cute?!

My mom came up with this idea for a friend's wedding party/reception, and my dad helped her execute it. I think it's super cool, and I love that my parents do crazy things like this. I just wish I could've been there to help!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jadyn is learning a valuable lesson: if she doesn't eat her food in an expeditious manner, chances are good Jared will finish it for her.

This morning, she left some of her pop tart (as usual), and Jared came along and finished it. (Not ideal, but he's almost a year old and pop tarts aren't the worst thing in the world.) This upset her greatly, although I think it was mostly because he ate her food, not necessarily because she was ever planning on finishing it herself...